Career path shift

Today is my last day at Unhaggle - company focused on automotive industry, where I've most of the time worked with Django and Vue.js. 3 awesome years almost passed. Many gorgeous people met. But I've decided to try something new.

I have many problems (but, let's call them challenges) with myself - one of them is constant seeking for happiness. Of course, it's not possible to estimate nor how measuring it.Even if I like Django and Vue.js I still felt somehow uncomplete. Through many years I always tried to learn some Blender, Inkscape and vector graphic, pixel art. And I always admired arts created by people who work on that on day to day. Of course I've failed in those fields. Again and again.

Tomorrow will be my first day in the game industry. I'll be working on games in JavaScript. I hope that having something visible in the end of the day will give me more enjoyment and power-boost.